Pasha Pozdniakova OMG you are so beautiful, I just a minute..  Wow!  She’s perfect, in this case, I think it’s ludicrous that she’s even photoshopped, what is there to photoshop?  I would smell her feet over and over and over and over and… eat her ass over and over and over and…  Perfection, she’s a “must see”, good grief, you have to see her to believe her.  I’ll tell you this, women like her are one of the reasons I started this big tit directory!  And of course she’s Russian, so “cherry on top” that off the list.  Nothing but respect and love for this one.

Summer 2022 Update – I still love this woman.  So happy she’s still online.  If I were ever asked to visualize a girl named Pasha, this one would be it

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