Ohhh I have been in love with Vixen Virago since the first time that I saw her.  She is the epitome of “stacked to the max”!  She’s also got that gothic look and oh my God, she is also the epitome of a hot goth chick!  I could go on and on about how great I think she is, some you have to experience her yourself. Click that button, like right now!

2022 Update – Looks like Miss Vixen has upped her game.  Great professional looking images are starting to peek out!  Thank you!

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Gum Drops

Vixen Virago’s 2023 Update

Vixen Virago looks a bit different.  I love her older “look”.  She doesn’t seem to be doing cosplay stuff as much anymore.  I’m just happy she’s here 🙂

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